
Promotion of entrepreneurship

NewSpace Europe: France Outreach Coordinator & volunteer team member (logistics + communication) at an international conference in Luxembourg with the CEOs of SpaceX (Gwynne Shotwell), ESA (Jan Wörner), CNES, startups, etc., in the aim of creating a sustainable space economy.

Website  |  My tweeting coverage

Project Fuel Up: “The Space Tanker” – 3rd prize at Space Startup Weekend (2016)

Presentation slides

13267888_1358148257532462_5307368822999439024_n[1] Project Sky Garage: drone carrier based on a technology of the French space agency – Special prize at Act in Space organized by CNES & ESA (2016)

2016-05-21 18.18.25 small

logolittlebiglab2(fondblanc) Project Little Big Lab: “Simplify the everyday scientific experimentation” – Favorite of Agoranov and 2nd prize of the jury at Startup Weekend Polytechnique (2015)12341538_10153848705397990_2653146329230781187_n[1]
Logo_Start_in_Saclay_small Start in Saclay: association for the promotion of entrepreneurship on Paris-Saclay campus (2014-2015)

My roles as Head of Comunication:

  • Management of the local relays (development of a network of students in 10 places: HEC, Polytechnique, CentraleSupélec, ENSTA, Univ. Paris-Sud, etc.)
  • Production of the newsletter (from 0 to 650 subscribers in 6 months)
  • Organization of the two first “Saclay Soirée” (130 attendees in total) with Thomas Boudalier (co-founder of Neolane) and Matthieu Hug (co-founder of RunMyProcess)


in the press: Le Parisien, L’Étudiant

Logo3 Fresh Square: “Home garden 2.0” (2015)

  • 1st and 2nd prizes of Climat’up HEC
  • 1st prize of CNE (Ecole Normale Supérieure), given by Frédéric Mazzella, founder of Blablacar

Presentation slides  |  In the press  |  Website

11148749_10153388815972990_123268219796240454_n[1] 12109195_10153725360232990_3154549337715229092_n[1]
logo_SleepyWaves Sleepy Waves (now Sleepoo): “The project that saves love” – 1st prize winner at HEC Startup Weekend (2014)

Presentation slides  |  Article


logo_BrainUP BrainUP (now Dreem): “The dream of a better sleep” – Startup Weekend Polytechnique (2014)

Presentation slides  |  Website

logo_EasyBnB EasyFlat: “You have a flat to rent? With EasyFlat, get more money without the worries” – 3Day Startup Centrale Paris (2013)

Presentation slides